Default Split Inboxes

Splits are intentional sections in your inbox that promote greater focus. They allow you to prioritize critical emails and tasks first, batch process similar types of emails, and manage your inbox more efficiently. The total count of conversations appear next to each Split.


Superhuman has several built-in Splits that you can quickly enable or disable. Hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Split Inbox Settings to view a list of default Splits.

  • Important • Other — All person-to-person and high priority messages will land in the Important Split. Automated messages such as marketing, social, networks, and automatic updates, will land in the Other Split.
  • Team — All conversations that include people with your same domain, will land here.
  • VIP — All conversations that include people you categorize as VIP, will land here.
  • News — All newsletters you add to this Split will land here.
  • Calendar — Emails from,, or emails containing a calendar invite file (an .ICS file), will land here.

Adding to the VIP or Team Split

You can add full email addresses or other domains to the VIP Split, and other domains to the Team Split.

  1. Select the message you would like to add to the VIP or Team Split.
  2. Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Add to Split Inbox.
  3. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the full email address or domain then hit Enter.
  4. Select VIP or Team and hit Enter.

Tips 💡

  • To see those conversations in Important • Other, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Split Inbox Settings. Click the ⚙️ next to VIP or Team, and check the box next to Also show in Important or Other.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → VIP Split Senders to view your full VIP list. Click the trash icon to remove an email address or domain from the Split.

Adding to the News Split

You can add your favorite newsletters to the News Split.

  1. Select the newsletter you'd like to add.
  2. Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Add to Split Inbox.
  3. Use the up and down arrow keys to select your definition, then hit Enter.
  4. Select News and hit Enter.

Tips 💡

  • To see those newsletters in Important - Other, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Split Inbox Settings. Click the ⚙️ next to News, and check the box next to Also show in Important or Other.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → News Split Senders to view your full list of newsletters. Click the trash icon to remove a newsletter from the Split.

Editing a Split

You can make edits to the Team, VIP, and News Splits.

  1. Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Split Inbox Settings.
  2. Click the ⚙️ next to Team, VIP, or News to add or remove email addresses or domains.

Reordering Splits

All Splits, except for Important • Other, can be rearranged.

  1. Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Split Inbox Settings.
  2. Mouse over a Split's name.
  3. Click-and-drag the three horizontal lines that appear.

Disabling a Split

You can disable a default Split in Superhuman at any time.

  1. Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Split Inbox Settings.
  2. Uncheck the box next to the default Split of your choice.

When a default Split is disabled, the emails return to your Important • Other Splits (depending on the type of email) or to your Inbox. 


You can enable Splits in the Superhuman Mobile app.

  1. Two-finger tap for Superhuman Command, then type Split Inbox Settings.
  2. Tap the account you'd like to enable a Split in.
  3. Tap Add Split Inbox.
  4. Select a default Split from the Popular list.

You can disable a Split in the Superhuman Mobile app.

  1. Two-finger tap for Superhuman Command, then type Split Inbox Settings.
  2. Tap the account you'd like to disable a Split in.
  3. Tap the Split you'd like to disable.
  4. Tap Delete Split Inbox.

Want to create your own custom Split? Head here to learn more✨

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