Labels and Folders

You can use labels (Gmail accounts) and folders (Outlook accounts) in Superhuman to quickly categorize and organize important information ⚡

Gmail Accounts

Adding a Label

  • Select the message you would like to label, then hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Label or L.
  • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a label, or type to create a new label.

The labeled message will stay in your inbox, with the label displayed next to the subject line.

Removing a Label (without Archiving)

  • Select the message with the label you’d like to remove, then hit Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Label or L.
  • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the label you’d like to remove.

This will remove the label and keep the message in your inbox.

Removing a Label (and Archiving)

  • Select the message with the label you’d like to remove.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Remove from Label or Shift+Y to remove a label and archive a message simultaneously.

This will remove the label and archive the message into the Done folder. To access the Done folder, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → go to Done or G then E.

Moving a message into a Label

  • Select the message you would to move into a label.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Move or V.
  • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a label, or type to create a new label.

Once you’ve made your selection, the label is applied, and the message moves from your inbox to the label. This is equivalent to labeling a conversation and then Marking it Done.

To quickly access a label, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → go to [name of label].

Outlook Accounts

Moving a message into a Folder

  • Select the message you would like to move into a folder.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Move or V to move a message into a folder.
  • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a folder, or type to create a new folder.

Once you’ve made your selection, the message moves from your inbox to the folder. To quickly access any folder, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → go to [name of folder].

Removing a message from a Folder

  • Select the message you would like to remove from a folder.
  • Hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Move or V then select Done.

This will move the message from that folder to the Done folder. To access the Done folder, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → go to Done or G then E.

💡Tip: Use folders and labels only when necessary. Instead, use Superhuman’s search (Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Search or /) to find what you need in seconds, no matter where it's stored!

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