Write with AI

Summarizing every email, drafting your replies, supercharging your writing, and searching your inbox, Superhuman AI helps you take charge of your inbox faster than ever before! 🚀

Activate Superhuman AI

When you sign in to a new account, activate Superhuman AI. Hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Activate Superhuman AI.

Write with AI on Desktop

When drafting a message, hit Cmd+J or Ctrl+J to write with AI.

Drafting Mode

Type a prompt and hit Enter to have Superhuman AI draft a message. The more context and keywords you include, the more specific the drafted message will be.

You can accept the message to make small edits or make larger edits within Editing Mode.

Editing Mode

You can access Editing Mode in two ways:

  • Directly after a message has been crafted in Drafting Mode
  • Highlighting existing text and hitting Cmd+J or Ctrl+J

In Editing Mode, you can select a suggestion (Improve writing, Shorten, Lengthen, Simplify, etc.) for a quick change to the draft, or type in a more specific editing prompt for a larger change. You can even type 'translate to Spanish' to have the entire draft rewritten to Spanish or any other language!

Write with AI on Mobile

On iOS (coming soon for Android), you can use AI Compose by tapping on the ai icon above your keyboard.

⭐ Hot tip: Instead of writing your prompt, utilize Voice Dictation by tapping the Microphone icon at the bottom right corner of the keyboard!


Why doesn’t "Rewrite in my own voice" sound like me?

When you first enable Superhuman AI, we run an analysis against a sample of your latest emails to get a sense of your tone and writing style. If this doesn't feel quite right, please let us know by shooting an email to hello@superhuman.com.

Who is Superhuman working with to provide AI features and what model are you using?

Our AI features are powered by mixture of models from OpenAI.

Will my emails be stored?

With Ask AI enabled, Superhuman stores your emails through a trusted SOC 2 compliant third-party vendor. Your data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

OpenAI does not store any data. We uphold a formal Zero Day Retention agreement with OpenAI, which is line with their API policies.

Will the queries I send and responses I receive back be stored?

We do not store the queries used for Write with AI, Instant Reply, and Auto Summarize.

We do not store responses for Write with AI. For Instant Reply and Auto Summarize, we store the responses for 90 days so that they are available for you if you open the email again.

The queries used and responses received for Ask AI are stored to help improve quality and allow for debugging. We do not store your calendar or your attachments other than their names.

We do not read responses or your email content unless you explicitly give us consent while submitting feedback.

Will anyone train on my data?

Neither Superhuman nor any vendor (including OpenAI) trains on your data.

Can I request to have my data deleted?

Yes. If you would like your data deleted, please reach out to hello@superhuman.com.

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