Muting Conversations
Some email conversations get noisy, which can lead to distractions. But you still need to receive updates or refer to the email chain later. In these cases, hitting unsubscribe or marking spam is not an option. Luckily, Superhuman allows you to mute conversations!
Gmail Accounts
To do so, hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Mute on a message.
When you mute a conversation, it will move out of your inbox and into your Mute folder. You can access this folder any time by hitting G then M.
If you need to unmute a conversation, just hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Mute again.
Select the message you would like to mute. Two-finger tap for Superhuman Command, then type and tap Mute.
This will mute the conversation and send it to the Mute folder. To access this folder, two-finger tap and type go to Muted.
Outlook Accounts
There isn't a way to mute threads on Outlook accounts on Desktop or Mobile, but we hope to include this feature in the future!