Mobile Navigation

Learn how to navigate the iOS and Android app! 

How to access Superhuman Command from the inbox

There are several ways to access Superhuman Command (Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) on desktop).

a. Pull down from the top of the inbox, then swipe right to pull up Superhuman Command — like you're making an "L."

b. Do a two-finger tap on a particular message to open Superhuman Command and take specific action on the message in question. 

How to access the Superhuman Command from the message view

Pull down from the top of the message you're viewing to open Superhuman Command and take action.

How to search

When viewing your inbox, pull down from the top of the screen to search. 

How to refresh

Superhuman is optimized to display your inbox up-to-date! 

If you'd like to manually refresh just to be sure, pull down from the top of the inbox, then swipe left  — like you're making a backward "L."

How to access folders/labels

When viewing your inbox, pull up from the bottom of the screen where your Splits are located.

How to move between Splits

When viewing your inbox, tap a Split located at the bottom of the screen to swap your view. 

If your list of Splits extends past the edge of the screen, you can swipe from right to left to cycle through them.

How to return from an open message back to the inbox

In an open message, swipe from left to right to return to the inbox.

How to move to the next email from the message view (iOS only)

If you'd like to keep an email in your inbox and move on to the next, you can swipe the triage bar all the way from right to left to advance to the next message.

How to return to the previous email from the message view (iOS only)

If you'd like to return to the previous email, you can tap on the left-facing arrow located on the right side of the triage bar.