Read Statuses and Team Reply Indicators

Read Statuses

Superhuman's Read Statuses feature allows you to know when and how people read your emails. Arm yourself with more context to craft effective follow ups!

Toggling Read Statuses on Desktop

Read Statuses are disabled by default. To enable Superhuman Read Statuses on a desktop computer, you can hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Enable Read Statuses.

To disable Read Statuses, you can hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Disable Read Statuses

Toggling Read Statuses on Mobile

  1. Pull down from the top of the inbox, then swipe right to open Superhuman Command — like you're making an "L"
  2. Type then tap Read Statuses Settings
  3. Toggle read statuses for your desired account(s):

FAQs 💡

Where can I see Read Statuses?

On a desktop, you can find read receipts in two places after you open a conversation:

  • Mouse over the checkmarks to the right of an email's header:

  • Look under the bottom right corner of the conversation's last message:

On an iPhone or iPad, you can find read receipts under the bottom right corner of a message:

You can also tap that line to see more details about when the message was read:

Do I need to enable Read Statuses for each account I am logged into Superhuman with?

Yes, Superhuman's Read Statuses are enabled on a per-account basis.

Do I need to send an email with Superhuman for it to be tracked?

Yes, Read Statuses will only work if an email is sent using Superhuman and not any other email client.

Can I block others from seeing read statuses for me?

Yes, you can hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Image Settings and choose the "Block all known tracking pixels" option to block others' read statuses.

What are Team Read Statuses?

Team Read Statuses allow you to see the read status of emails sent by your teammates when they are on the same thread as you. This helps prevent reply collisions and duplications of effort.

Team Read Statuses can be enabled by hitting Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Team Read Statuses.

What are Team Reply Indicators?

Team Reply Indicators enable you to see when your teammates are writing a reply or have scheduled a send. This helps teams prevent reply collisions and duplications of effort.

When do Team Reply Indicators work?

Team Reply Indicators work when you and your teammate both have Team Reply Indicators enabled. You can see the reply indicator when your teammate is replying in Superhuman, and when you’re viewing the message in Superhuman.

I saw a Team Reply Indicator and then it disappeared, what happened?

There are a few reasons why that reply indicator might have disappeared:

  • The teammate replying discarded their draft
  • The teammate replying hasn’t made an edit for at least 20 minutes, at which point the indicator will disappear (it will re-appear if any further edits are made)
  • The teammate replying has scheduled the message, which will display a new scheduled send indicator
  • The teammate sent their message, which you should see arrive in the thread

Why can’t I see Team Reply Indicators when my teammate is replying?

There are a few conditions that must be met in order for team reply indicators to work:

  • Both teammates must be using Superhuman
  • Both teammates must be on the same Superhuman team account
  • Both teammates must have Team Reply Indicators enabled, which can be done by hitting Cmd+K → Enable Team Reply Indicators
  • Both teammates must be present in either the To:, From:, or Cc: field ****

If I’m Bcc’d on an email and start replying to it, will others on the thread see that I’m replying?

A Team Reply Indicator will not display if you’re replying to an email as a Bcc. Those indicators will only display if you’re present in the To:, From:, or Cc: field.

Do Team Reply Indicators work offline?

Similar to how read statuses work, you are able to view the reply indicators that happened as of the last time you were online.

Does blocking tracking pixels impact Team Reply Indicators?

Blocking tracking pixels won’t have any impact on Team Reply Indicators working.

How do I disable Team Reply Indicators?

You can disable those Team Reply Indicators by hitting Cmd+K or Ctrl+K → Disable Team Reply Indicators. For some additional context, that means that you will no longer be able to see reply indicators for your team and your team will no longer be able to see an indicator that you’re replying.

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