Superhuman Mobile

Most mobile email clients take you out of your everyday workflow, but with Superhuman mobile, you can stay in flow and achieve Inbox Zero even on the go.

Triage On the Go

While commuting or waiting for your meeting to start, triage new messages with Superhuman for mobile to get your inbox ready to go. Instead of keyboard shortcuts, we have lightning fast taps and swipe gestures. To access Superhuman Command on mobile (Cmd+K or Ctrl+K on desktop), pull down from the top of the inbox then swipe right — like you're drawing an "L".

Or, you can two-finger tap while in a message to open the Superhuman Command and take specific action on the message in question. 

When you archive a message, the next message in your inbox will automatically open, so you can use the same Inbox Zero workflow wherever you are. Can’t respond to a message right now? You can easily snooze messages until you're back at your desk, helping you quickly hit Inbox Zero on your phone before you even open your computer for the day!

From your inbox, simply swipe left to Mark Done or swipe right to set a Reminder ⚡️

We've also made it easy to read long conversations — Superhuman mobile treats conversations like a text thread so you can quickly see who's replying to whom. If you tap on a sender's name at the top of your screen, you'll see the same social information that’s available on desktop.

To switch accounts quickly, tap your profile picture in the lower right corner of the inbox 👥

Search for Emails Quickly

Simply pull down from the top of your screen to search for specific messages. You can even use search terms like to:, from:, and subject: to narrow your results 🔎

Superhuman for Android

Over the next few months, we’ll be bringing more signature Superhuman features to Android, like calendar, advancing between messages, and multiselect. What else would help? Let us know at 🙏

In the next article, you'll learn how to communicate and collaborate more efficiently with your team!