Smart Send

With Smart Send, you can send your message at the optimal moment, ensuring it arrives in the inbox when your recipient is most likely to open it!

To get started just hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Enable Superhuman for Sales. When composing a message, add a recipient and look out for the Smart Send button, which replaces the Send Later option if we have a recommendation for you.

Our recommendation engine uses a combination of activity data from past emails received by the recipient and time zone data from a third-party source to identify periods of time when a recipient is most active. We use those time periods to deliver the send-time recommendation.

If there are multiple recipients on an email, we will show optimal times for all recipients for whom we have data. From there, you can choose to schedule for the recipient you want to optimize.

FAQs 💡

Are the recommended times specific to the recipient?

Yes, the recommended times are based on the activity of the specific recipient.

Why do I only see “Smart Send” some of the time?

If we don’t have enough activity data to give a recommendation, we will not show Smart Send.

What happens if someone responds before the Smart Send recommended time?

Just like any other scheduled message, if the “if no reply” option is selected we will cancel the scheduled send and return the message to a draft.

What source do you use for time zone data?

We use time zone data from Clearbit to identify periods of time when a recipient is likely most active.

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